Welcome to Kiwanis Club of Sierra Vista San Pedro
The Kiwanis Club of Sierra Vista San Pedro was chartered on January 16, 1988. Able to attract leading Sierra Vistans, especially professionals, educators, public servants, and business people, San Pedro has developed into a respected force in the community.
All Kiwanis clubs are organized to a standard basic plan. Each club has great freedom in developing its own service projects, fundraising activities, meeting procedures, customs and character.
Over the years, San Pedro Kiwanis has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars generating money to make major donations to the children of Cochise County. Through its foundation, Just Kids Inc., San Pedro’s fundraising potency has allowed the club to make grants and donations to hundreds of organizations and for special emergency causes, scholarships, permanent community projects and many youth programs.
San Pedro Kiwanis mixes fellowship, networking, club business, community service and enrichment through weekly meetings to create a formula that leads to personal growth, lifelong friendships and community outreach that is underscored in the Kiwanis moto: Serving the Children of the World.
Watch Our Video to Learn About Us

Meeting Location and Details
Currently we are meeting at the Salvation Army at 180 E. Wilcox Dr. Time: 11:30 am. On the 5th Monday it will be a social event at a designated location.
Meeting Address: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Monday, 180 E. Wilcox Dr., Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
We have guests speakers from the community and members presenting a variety of topics. We also share updates on current projects while enjoying a nice meal.
Come join us! We welcome visitors at all Monday meetings.
Our Kiwanis Board Members

Debby DeRosa
Candie Drouin
President Elect
Nilda Townsend
Nancy Hansen
Anita Farrow
Martha Bersano
Nancy Drouin
Anita Querino
Janet Wray
Jan Wardle